Click the icon below to register for an activity


Registration & Eligibility 

Registration occurs each year, and will open the first week of July for all avliable athletic sports.

Parent/guardian are responsible for completing registration for their student, the system will not accept student emails to creat an account.

August 1 is the deadline for athletic registrations. Parents should register for all four seasons, selecting the athletics their child is interested in.

Once registered, "pending" will appear on your registration family home page. Once the Activities Department has checked and verrified the registration, sports physical date, and the students eligibility, the status will be changed from "pending" to YES, NO, or Doctor's Review.

Yes = the student is good to go for the sport.

No = the student is missing a physical, no physical is uploaded, physical is expired, student has an athletic suspension, etc.

Doctor's Review = this is selected if a student in needing additional clearance from their doctor to return to play, or if the sports physical will expire mid-season. The Activities Department, and this software will send reminder emails to the account owner, as the experiation date is approaching. 

"ID does not exist" = your student and their information is not in the athletic system yet. This occurs when a student registers after the first week of July. Please email one of the names below, to have your student added in the system.

HIGH SCHOOL TRANSFER STUDENTS must meet with the Head Activities Director, before attending or participating in any practices. The Activities Director in connection with the IHSAA/IGHSAU will notify the students and parents of the eligibility with the transfer.

ALL ATHLETES must be registered, have a current sports physical on file, and be marked eligible before they can participate in any practice or game. Each coach will take attendance on the first day of practice, and anyone missing from the list will be required to sit out until they are cleared by the Activities Department.

The Activities Department has a grace period of three weeks for students to get registered and eligible. After the three week mark (15 calendar days) that season athletics will be closed, and no additional students will be able to join a team as a player and or manager. **Students that transfer mid-season from another district, will need clearance from the Activities Director to determine eligibility.**

Physical Examination

Students registering for athletics must have a current physical examination before the student is authorized to participate in practice. To ensure clearance for participation, physicals should be completed and uploaded online no later than 5 school days prior to the first day of practice/tryouts.

Physicals are valid for 13 months from the date of the last exam.

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:

Tammy Nelson - Athletics Adminisrative Assistant
Heather Semelmacher - Activities Director
Melissa Crosse - Assistant Activities Director